Tuesday, October 1, 2019

TIS LIFERS - a forgotten group

7/6/2019 11:37:43 AM
RE:TIS LIFERS? and group email
So I wanted to first ask how have you never known that there is an entire race of lifers in prison that have been forgotten about and rotting away?? Is it because you and everyone else have been so focused on these old law lifers all these years that you have become tunnel-visioned and only seeing a very small part of the past??? The old law guys issues only make up a very small part of what is wrong with how Wisconsin deals with sentencing people. Well, we have existed for the last 20 years now and our situation is far worse than theirs, and if you only knew the degree of our suffering and our struggle to be free, then you would draw up better proposals that include more than just their issues.

Which brings me to my next issue. I have read these proposals you want to get the liar (Gov. Evers) to sign off on. You should know that none of it will benefit any of us TIS lifers one bit. So what that you want to bring back parole...what good does it do TIS lifers?? We don't qualify for any time cuts, not 75% or 85%, parole, sentence modifications, or terminal illness sentence modifications. In fact, nothing the law allows to let people go applies to any person serving a life sentence under TIS.

Life means life under TIS. Conviction of a Class A felony is a MANDATORY life sentence. There is only one crime that is a class A felony...1st Deg. Intent. Homicide. There are three options a judge can sentence you to serve life under TIS. First, you can be sentenced to become eligible for Extended Supervision after serving the mandatory minimum of 20 years. Second, you could be sentenced to become eligible for ES after serving a date beyond 20 years...meaning the judge can randomly pick a date far past 20 years. The last and popular option...not eligible...meaning the only way you see freedom is to leave in a body bag. I'm serving the third sentence.

Now when it comes to those doing the mandatory minimum. Once you serve your time, there is no such thing as MR. it only means that you are eligible for release. DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH PAROLE because I wish I had a parole board that would deny me release. You have to petition the court that sentenced you. There is no such form to fill out because the State never thought that far ahead, and if you are denied, that's your life gone. It has been told to me by a lawyer that the judge will set another date to petition again. He says that they will most likely go with the minimum...that's another 20 years to serve before you can petition the court to go home!! The first eligible lifers doing the mandatory minimum will be petitioning the court for ES October. They have nothing set up for this because the law makers simply made a law and put the problem of how to deal with the lifers that do have a chance to get out on the shelf. Well, now 20 years later...they have a really big problem and don't know what to do. Everyone has forgotten about us and think these old law guys are more important because they have been in prison longer. Well no disrespect to them but I've been serving a TIS life sentence for the last 17 years making me among the first generation sentenced under this law, what help do I deserve?? And the law I'm under is far far worse.

This is why I do not want the movement I'm starting mixed with anything else as it will be put on another shelf and not get as much attention as it should. Its all or nothing with me, either we fight tooth and nail to destroy TIS and get BOTH old law and TIS lifers home, or leave me to go at it alone. We deserve the same attention as them and I want to work with you to tell not just my story, but the stories of so many others. I need your word that if I open up to you...that you will put this into the open and share it with others that will help me and connect me with others. Right now I'm trying to connect with Taycheedah lifers so I can show them the way out as well. This is why I wanted you to share that entire email I sent so they could respond. I am a litigator and I can help you from in here if you let me. But none of this will work if you are not the bridge that connects an inmate with the help he needs. If you want me to, I will use these emails to tell my story to you, or if you have someone to come up here to record it that will be better and prove that you really are wanting to be on my side. For now I will wait to see what you will agree to. But please know I am more resourceful to you than you think and  can help. Please respond ASAP.

From the think tank - Jermaine


I just got a letter from the Governors office today regarding getting an application for a pardon. In the response was the following info:

"Currently, applicants must have completed their entire sentence at least five (5) years prior to applying. Because you are still serving your sentence, you are not eligible."

Once again, guys like me serving life are being screwed over by a LIAR who promises prison reform. Old law and TIS lifers alike!! How in the world can I ever be eligible, if I was sentenced to life without eligibility for release to Extended Supervision and will never get out of prison?? I'm not even looking for a full pardon, I'm only looking for a commutation of my sentence so that I can have the chance to be eligible to apply for Extended Supervision after serving 20 to 25 years.

Problem is...I have noone that cares out there, noone who will keep my name or case alive in the news or on social media, so my case will never be heard by anyone.

Just wanted you to know that I was lied to....

Here's what I propose...I am about to prepare a petition to the Governor on behalf of TIS lifers ONLY!! Its about time we get the spotlight to a change and get some love from outside help. No disrespect to old law guys or short timers or guys doing numbers...but this fight is only for us doing LETTERS UNDER TIS LAW. Please contact me by snail mail: Jermaine Smith #394890 @Waupun Corr. Inst. or send an email request to Lady (first name) L (last name) at LadyLWORT@gmail.com and when she accepts your request, ask her to forward your email to me. Let me know what you think and what ideas we can put together to convince him to pardon us too...not just the inmates that are popular. Be serious about what you want me to know and what you want the Governor to know because the state wants us to actually DIE IN PRISON. Lady L will email you the final draft that will be sent to the Governor.