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Jermaine Smith 394890 WCI Bd 1982, 40yo Lifer |
fromthethinkthank Jermaine #FROMTHETHINKTANK-BLOG 2 - HOW DO WE FIX A PROBLEM BY FIXING PEOPLE sent 8.5.19 Its me again and I'm back to put down a few new things to consider and reveal. As always share the hashtag #fromthethinktank if you agree or wish to contribute your thoughts, comments or even criticisms. Of course you can also contact me directly @ Waupun, Jermaine Smith #394890 aka 2win So how do we fix the problem of TIS in Wisconsin by fixing the people that choose to keep it alive? It is not as complex as you may think it is when you take the time to look at the problem in its most basic form. We tend to look at the results and effects of TIS rather than look at its roots. TIS is Wisconsin's cancer and it has been making more families sick than you can imagine. There are not too many people in this state that can say that they don't have a family member or friend or loved one that has not been touched by this cancer be it probation, prison time, or even Extended Supervision. Now if you wish to kill a tree, you poison its roots right? Now of course I don't suggest poisoning anyone, but I do call for cutting out the tumors in the law that make the cancer we call TIS so strong. TIS has it's roots in an era where the public was afraid of the complete rise in crime, a time where Wisconsin's urban street life was spilling into the suburbs like Franklin, Sheboygan, Waukesha, and even as far north and west as La Crosse and Green Bay. This type of crime is much like what is going on right now. This was before social media and the information age and when most people didn't watch the news or do their own research to fact check anything they were told. Politicians had it good then because most of the public could only take their word for it and believe in what they said. They could make up anything they wanted and it was taken on face, which is why former Gov. Thompson took advantage of the situation. Now everything you wish to know about a person or anything at all is at the swipe of a smartphone. Its still easy for politicians to sway the mass because the victims of their words and pen strokes don't reach out to the public from the jail cell to tell the truth of what's really going on. Let's look into the reality of the matter. I know many inmates that have serious money and connections to the outside world that can help get the word out, make calls to important people, post blogs and really make a difference. But instead of bettering themselves and developing into a better grade of human, they would rather spend untold amounts of that money getting high on various drugs that they once considered wrong. I know men of intelligence that use their minds for the worst of ideas shove psychotic and pain pills up their noses, and poison themselves with lies and corruption. How little is your worth if all you can do with your gifts is squander them in the lowest of characters? So how do we fix the problem by fixing the people? WE DON'T. What we fix is the issue. We extract the tumor and cure the cancer. TIS was created on paper as a response to the high rise in crime, so we use social media as a means to show that men can change for the better and to post our reforms in character such as our certificates, PRC paperwork, artwork, poetry, and anything else that shows significant character change. In the end, its not what you say or do that people remember, but its what they see and how you made them feel. If you make the public feel safe with you then they will be more inclined to feel safe around you in the free world. So let the public see what a man determined can do when he wants better for himself. Right now we have more and more people out there wanting to know more about what the truth is with prison life, the law, and how we are being treated. But if you don't use your connections out there to spread the message you are no better than the liar (Gov. Evers) or those politicians that want us to rot in prison. You are simply one of the ones that allow TIS to continue to sicken us. Instead of using inmate.com to concern yourself with everything that will ensure that you spend most of the usable years of your life in chains, learn from those who know and ask how you can get involved to change something. What's better...being known as a gang member that destroys, and will do little more than existing as a prison celebrity and be forgotten in five minutes, or be known as one of the willing that was involved in changing the law in Wisconsin and bringing life and a second chance to thousands of men and women? Here's something I would like my freeworld (those on the streets) readers to take a look at that can really work here. California lawmakers in about 2011 passed a law Prop. 36 that changed the three strikes law and literally released over 3,100 inmates virtually overnight. The liar says this is something that would pose a risk to the public, to let out that many people at once. But let's be real, Cali is a far more violent State and has an even far worse prison system. If a state that houses high ranking gang leaders that can wipe out your whole family with a single phone call can make overnight reform and release thousands of inmates in an instant, then why can't a state like Wisconsin do that? Just saying. Spread the word and let me know how you plan to get involved and help. #fromthethinktank
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